Friday, April 3, 2009

Back to the Future...

Welcome to the Hyperbowl.

Got back down for an hour to clear some of the "potential" lines out of my imaginings as they were clouding the reality of the place. Rasher line is good clean line as originally thought. The opposite arete has potential but need to cut down a dead tree to access it proper. The downward face's potential is unfortunately pretty much lost to a gnarly multi trunk holly tree. (Evidence of quarrying on this face, one of those shafts for dynamite). Back left arete is a line, slopey either direct or out right but possibly dirty rock. Found the rock terraces surprisingly easy to rearrange and there's a possibility of clearing out underneath this corner for steep problem into mantle/arete, there are holds. 

From here upslope to Angle Grinder a steep lip traverse which should have felt nicer than it did, easy enough. 

Up again to the second of the big three, cleared a bit. Made landing platform for the main line which is nice highball with i suspect the crux at the top. Line also to the right. Micro route to the left of these as ground drops away. Scrubby one mover line on opposite face. 

To the third of the big ones and disappointed for the most part. Very impressive Cracks and general formation but rock quality a little bit shitter than elsewhere. One nice obvious arete line on the right but the landing is a rock ramp. Hard to formulate rest of the rock into climbing terms, landing needs a lot of work. Round on the "face" of this formation is the possibility of a monster dyno if one cuts down a decent sized holly tree. The main section to the right of this is obscured by another unmovable gnarled holly trunk.

Upslope of here is a big dirty face that i cleaned to reveal a lovely easy highball line. Potential of a line to the right but looks hard and relatively blank and needs cleaning and terracing somewhat.

The setting is beautiful. Also on drive in felt that pretty much for a good kilometre before the forestry track there would be some potential on the slopes for more rocks. Worried during gardening of how well sound travels as i can clearly hear farmer in his field opposite, not sure if they would take kindly to my efforts.

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