Tuesday, July 27, 2010

no disc again so back to the quarry to enjoy the weather. james went up yorkshire pud for openers which had me eyeing ghost speculatively. on my way up after him i skipped left and had another look at the various holds and positions, felt very comfortable. used a different method to get to the niche than when following paul, found it much more reliable. felt good but still nervous. james led another then back we went and off i went (with the two statesmen joe and jim gernon making me nervous casually plodding up masochist beside us.) really enjoyable , real pleased with my head space up the run out upper bit. doing it in this style did in reality take a bit away from it but i'll save those ethical considerations for if i ever keep up the routes a decent amount.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one, sounds like you're going well on the routes. Time to head back up north for a rematch with Fair Head? :-) Ghost is a quality route. And I made a meal of the bottom bit last time, so don't take that as any kind of reference as to how it should be done!
